Sunday, March 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Carson

Wow...where does the time go? Carson turns two tomorrow! It doesn't seem that long ago that I woke up in the middle of the night with major contractions, got to the hospital, and had Carson less than 30 minutes later...with no doctor, no drugs and no regrets. My sweet baby boy is now my sweet little daredevil..afraid of nothing but the vaccuum cleaner!
We had a Diego safari birthday party for him over the weekend. He talks all the time but it is only in a blue moon when someone can understand him, but we're pretty sure he knew the big fuss was all for him. None the less, he had a blast and made more memories for us to cherish. On Tuesday we'll ask the pediatrician if we should be worried about his speech. He understands everything so we're not too concerned. Besides, if anyone knows me, they know I'm never at a loss for words. I'm sure Carson will follow suit shortly.
It's back to work tomorrow...less than 11 weeks until summer. It's a shame that Spring Break is over already. Boo-Hiss! The only major thing I got accomplished was cleaning out my closet. Literally, half the stuff I own went into giveaway piles. I decided anything older than my children had to go. Haha! So much for replanting my garden, I guess that'll have to wait. Guess that was a good call considering it's in the 40s again outside! Mother Nature, what is going on???
Oh well, off to snack on a teeny bowl of Rocky Road ice cream (left over from the party) before heading to bed!!!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Let the blogging begin!

I confess...I always thought I'd have a girl. A sweet, delicate brown-haired, brown-eyed little girl name Sophia Katherine. God, however, had different plans for me and has made me the single female in my home, living this adventure we call life with Stewart and our three boys, Cayden, Carson and Cooper...hence my blog title Four Guys and Me.

My days are filled with hugs and kisses, rough and tumble, children curled up on my lap or flying off furniture, reading books or booking dr. appointments, chaos and insane amount of diapers...and more than anything, love and gratitude for all I've been blessed with.

My mom has been nagging me for oh, a decade now, to "get that book written", but I'll start with a blog, pulling inspiration from my happily ordinary life with my sweet peanuts and their daddy, and see what it turns into.

Maybe, just maybe, one day far into the future, I'll be able to edit my blog title to Four Guys, a Girl, and Me. (Wink-wink.) But for now, I'll don my mom-of-boys label with honor as I invite you to follow us along our little road of "Four Guys and Me" sloppy kiss & mud pie happiness!